My Wonderful Wife

Created by Ray one year ago

Janet was born in Reading and had four brothers and a sister. I first met Janet in 1967 when I asked her for a dance in the Majestic Ballroom in Reading. We married in 1970 and Caroline was born in 1972 and Andrew in 1974.

Janet has spent her whole life helping other people. At home with her parents she helped with the younger members of the family. At work with the Prudential in Reading she trained and assisted new entrants into the Company. When Caroline joined the Brownies her mum volunteered to help and when Caroline transferred to Brownies in Ipswich a message was passed on that her mother was willing to help led to Janet becoming a Guide Leader along with Jane of the 13th Ipswich Guides.

We moved to Ipswich in 1980 to the house I still live. With Caroline and Andrew then at Broke Hall School Janet went and volunteered to help disabled children at Heath Side Special School. This led onto Janet becoming a swimming teacher where she taught swimming at St Helens and Handford Hall schools as well as classes at Crown Pools and Fore Street Baths. Many people in and around Ipswich have been taught to swim by Janet not only children but some adult classes too.

Janet had many talents and hobbies, she did dress making, flower arranging, calligraphy, aromatherapy, upholstery and more lately crafting and card making. Many will have received special cards from Janet with small writing on the back, “Hand made by Janet”.  Also with her knowledge of plants and flowers she created a beautiful garden at home.
Since coming to Ipswich in 1980 Janet has always been an active member of St Augustine’s Church, at one stage being a committee member. Her last activity was on Wednesday 3rd of May helping at Happy Hippos mother and toddlers group. Sadly that same evening Janet died suddenly with a massive brain haemorrhage.

Janet is sadly missed not only by me, our family and friends, but all who knew her including Guiding people, Swimming people, Schools people and the Church.